Raising a Child is Responsibility of both Parents

 Raising a child is a monumental task that requires the commitment of both parents. It is essential for parents to work together in order to create a healthy and supportive environment for their children. This article will discuss the role of fathers, and mothers, and the importance of parental involvement in raising a child.

1. Role of Father 

Research conducted by ME Lamb and CS Tamis-Lemonda in 2004 suggest that the role of a father in raising a child is an essential element in the development of a child's mental and physical health. Fathers can play a direct role in the care of children by providing support and guidance. They can also provide emotional and financial security to the family unit. Fathers can also serve as role models and can help to promote positive behaviours in their children. Fathers can also be important sources of discipline and structure, helping to ensure that children are making appropriate choices and behaving according to expectations (Lamb & Tamis-Lemonda, 2004). Fathers who are actively engaged in their child's life can also help to foster a sense of self-esteem in their children, as well as a sense of trust in relationships. Fathers can also help to create an environment in which children feel safe and secure to explore their potential. In conclusion, the role of a father in raising a child is paramount in the development and well-being of the child, and should not be underestimated.

2. Role of  Mother

The role of a mother in raising a child is essential to the development of a healthy, well-adjusted individual. This has been supported by research conducted by Yarrow et al. (1962) in their study of sociometry. They found that mothers occupied the most important role in the family structure when it came to influencing the health and development of the child. Mothers provided psychological and emotional support, as well as physical and material care, to their children. Mothers also provided a sense of security, which allowed the child to develop a secure base from which to explore the world. Furthermore, mothers taught their children how to interact with others and how to form relationships with people. This enabled the child to make connections with the world around them and to gain the necessary skills to live independently. Overall, the research conducted by Yarrow et al. (1962) demonstrated that mothers play an essential role in the development of a child, providing them with physical and emotional support, and security, and teaching them how to interact with others.

3. Role of Both Parents

Parental involvement has long been considered a key factor in the successful upbringing of a child. According to SN Georgiou in Social Psychology of Education, 1996, “parental involvement is a key factor in the successful upbringing of a child, in terms of their academic, social and emotional development” (p.7). Research has found that when parents are involved in their child’s education, they are more likely to have higher scores and better grades, be more engaged in school activities, have higher self-esteem and self-confidence, and demonstrate more positive social behaviours (Georgiou, 1996). Additionally, when parents are involved in their child’s school activities, it sends a message to their child that school is important and can be a supportive and enjoyable experience (Georgiou, 1996). Furthermore, when parents are involved in their child’s learning, it can help to foster a sense of connection between the child and the parents and even between the child and the school (Georgiou, 1996). Thus, it is clear that parental involvement can be an important factor in the successful upbringing of a child.

Raising a child is a responsibility shared by both parents and should be taken seriously, as it involves creating a safe and happy environment for the child to thrive. By providing unconditional love and support, as well as setting clear boundaries and expectations, parents can help guide their children along the path of healthy development, ensuring their future success. Both parents should also be willing to ask for help in difficult times, as placing too much burden on the family can lead to unhealthy dynamics and lasting feelings of resentment. Ultimately, while raising a child is a challenging endeavour, it can be rewarding when both parents work together to create a positive and nurturing home environment.


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