What is Patriarchy System?


Patriarchy system, women in south Asia, Women's Dignity,

About the History Of Patriarchy And Gender Systems In Southern Asia.

The history of patriarchy is a rather complicated one, but it’s important to know about the reasons why people felt that they have specific advantages for a long time.

People who were born as male are considered to be the “proper” gender, and those who were born as female were considered to be “inferior”. Many cultures throughout the world still practice patriarchal practices today.

The history of gender systems in South Asia goes back thousands of years, with many women being oppressed and denied their rights. Here are some interesting points on how this system has evolved over time…

Gender System Overview By Arooj Banerjee Published On March 4, 2022

Throughout history, men have dominated women in their societies and the roles they play in these societies. They had all the power they wanted, as there was no way for women to fight for equal opportunities.

However, after many centuries of struggle and a lot of evolution, we now see women becoming increasingly empowered, fighting for their rights, and trying to get them recognized in society.

They also started having more political influence in the modern world as women are slowly getting more and more involved in politics and other fields that deal with issues such as the environment and education.

Now more than ever before women are taking up positions where previously they would not have been seen. Although they may be regarded by the community as inferior, they can prove themselves through hard work and leadership skills, which gives them an edge that even men lack.

Women Today As Opposed To Just 1000 Years Ago

In India alone, you can find several examples of historical events that resulted in women gaining more freedom and independence. For example, when Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned during the Partition War in 1947, millions of Indians lost hope after seeing him as someone so afraid of death, he could only talk about this issue with his own hands.

Mahatma Gandhi Was Convicted Like Men Before Him! But This Time He Didn’t Let Dying Be Punished By Himself

Another historic event that opened the eyes of many Indian women was Lala Lajpat Rai. She fought for her right to vote in India and helped many Indian women achieve similar success.

Lalaji was known to speak out against what she thinks is unfair treatment of women in her country and was also known for speaking out against social inequality and discrimination of women. We can learn a lot from her life and even though she lived in a different period of time than us, we can still take inspiration from her journey.

She Was Forced Into Marriage at 5 And Never Had Children

Sister Sita Giri was also another woman who stood up against injustice for women in India. Her story made news worldwide because of its shocking nature. Born into a family of priests, Sister Giri was forced into marriage at five. After seven years of marriage, she was raped in front of her parents and eventually left home with no option but to marry a man from her village.

She went on to become the head of the Christian Missionary Society for 22 years, teaching others about women's rights. Although at first she did nothing but stand up for herself and fight for her rights, later on, she moved out of home and began advocating for women’s rights too.

She Was An Advocate For Equal Rights At All Times

Mahua Moitra also known popularly as Kamala was an advocate for women’s rights, speaking out against violence and discrimination against women. Born to a poor farmer family in British India, she had to work hard to survive with very few resources. This didn’t stop Zamala from fighting for justice and equality among women, working until her 70s. She died while giving speeches to help raise awareness and fight for women’s rights.

She Inspired Others Who Caught Up With Her Fight For Equality By Becoming Advocates

Another remarkable woman in Indian history is Indira Gandhi. Known for her courage, wisdom, and willingness to change her ways, her actions inspired generations of activists to follow suit. One of the great achievements she managed to accomplish was the formation of the women’s movement led by Sarojini Naidu.

India Has Been Making Progress Towards Gender Equity Since 1960

Today we live in a society where people of any race, background, and religion can make strides towards their goals. However, there have always been groups of people that were discriminated against without anyone asking them to step out into the light. These struggles have continued no matter where they live, they just never got enough attention, and that’s unfortunate.

These movements and stories, all came together to create a better future for everyone. People of colour are continuing this legacy and making progress in improving social and economic conditions for themselves and others.

Women have finally found the courage to claim their rights, fighting for equal human rights and fair treatment. It wasn’t easy to get the support needed, however, because many individuals viewed women as weak and incapable of doing anything to improve their lives. Only the brave have shown resiliency and continued to bring positive changes to their communities. I am sure that someday, we will finally see a new generation of feminists like Indira or Ramakrishna Gandhi.


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