
Showing posts from January, 2023

Matriarchy System

 The Matriarchy System: A History, Present and Future 1. Introduction Throughout history, the matriarchy system has been a source of debate. It is an ancient form of social organization in which power is held by women or female-dominated institutions. In this blog post, we will explore the history, present and future of the matriarchy system to gain insight into its potential implications for society today. 2. A glance at history The concept of a matriarchal society dates back thousands of years ago when it was believed that societies were led by powerful goddesses who represented fertility and motherhood. Ancient cultures such as those found in India, China and Africa all had some form of matrilineal descent where property rights were passed down through mothers rather than fathers. This structure gave women more autonomy over their lives compared to patriarchal systems at the time. 3. Present of matriarchal System  Today’s modern world still contains remnants from these anci...

Financial Independence of Women

 Financial independence of Women: Pros and cons 1. Introduction Women have long been fighting for financial independence, and in recent years the movement has gained more traction. Financial independence is an important step towards achieving gender equality, as it gives women greater control over their lives and allows them to pursue opportunities that may not be available to those who are financially dependent on others. However, there are both pros and cons associated with this newfound freedom. 2. Pros of Fianancial Independance of women The primary benefit of financial independence is that it provides a sense of security and autonomy for women. With access to their own money, they can make decisions about how best to use it without having to rely on anyone else’s opinion or approval. This means they can invest in themselves by pursuing educational opportunities or starting businesses without worrying about whether someone else will support them financially. Additionally, being...

Gender Equality

Is gender Equality a Myth or Reality? The concept of gender equality has been a prominent topic in popular culture for quite some time now. But what does it really mean, and is it even achievable at this point in human history? What barriers prevent society from achieving true gender equality if any exist at all? These are questions that have plagued scholars, activists, and civilians alike around the world. To answer them adequately, we would need to undergo an extensive exploration of their many facets. To scratch the surface, let’s consider several fundamental aspects of gender inequality as they appear today throughout different institutions in our societies—businesses, governments, and communities come to mind first. Gender discrimination often manifests itself through unequal access to education opportunities, health resources or political representation, despite being illegal by many national laws around the world; likewise, cases remain where women receive lower wages than me...

What is Patriarchy System?

  Patriarchy system, women in south Asia, Women's Dignity, About the History Of Patriarchy And Gender Systems In Southern Asia. The history of patriarchy is a rather complicated one, but it’s important to know about the reasons why people felt that they have specific advantages for a long time. People who were born as male are considered to be the “proper ” gender, and those who were born as female were considered to be “ inferior ”. Many cultures throughout the world still practice patriarchal practices today. The history of gender systems in South Asia goes back thousands of years, with many women being oppressed and denied their rights. Here are some interesting points on how this system has evolved over time… Gender System Overview By Arooj Banerjee Published On March 4, 2022 Throughout history, men have dominated women in their societies and the roles they play in these societies. They had all the power they wanted, as there was no way for women to fight for equal opportuniti...